Call for Abstract

5th International Conference on Food and Nutrition, will be organized around the theme “Food and Nutrition for Sustainable Well-being”

FOOD SUMMIT- 2024 is comprised of 20 tracks and 2 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in FOOD SUMMIT- 2024.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Functional foods, enriched with nutrients or bioactive compounds, extend beyond basic nutrition to offer health benefits. These foods support bodily functions, bolster overall health, and mitigate disease risks. Examples like probiotic yogurt, fortified orange juice, and omega-3-enriched eggs exemplify this category. By integrating functional foods, individuals can conveniently address health concerns and enhance well-being.

  • Track 1-1Nutrients

Food technology applies scientific and engineering methods to enhance food production, processing, and distribution. Innovations like additives, packaging, and processing techniques improve food safety and quality. It also includes advancements in alternative proteins, genetic engineering, and precision agriculture to tackle global food issues. Food technology integrates digital platforms and data analytics to streamline supply chains, enhance traceability, and meet consumer preferences for transparency and convenience.

  • Track 2-1Food Production
  • Track 2-2Food Processing
  • Track 2-3Food Safety and Quality
  • Track 2-4Food Packaging

Food beverages and industries encompass the production, distribution, and marketing of various liquid consumables, including soft drinks, juices, alcoholic beverages, and functional beverages. These industries range from large-scale multinational corporations to artisanal producers, catering to diverse consumer preferences and dietary trends. Key considerations in beverage production include ingredient sourcing, processing techniques, packaging, and adherence to quality and safety standards. With growing consumer demand for healthier, sustainable, and innovative beverage options, the industry continuously evolves to meet changing market trends and regulatory requirements.

  • Track 3-1Functional Beverages
  • Track 3-2Beverage Production
  • Track 3-3Processing Techniques

Food packaging encompasses the creation of containers and materials vital for safeguarding, preserving, and promoting food items. It is pivotal in maintaining food safety, prolonging shelf life, and safeguarding against contamination during transit and storage. Additionally, packaging acts as a conduit for crucial consumer information, detailing ingredients, nutritional data, and usage guidance. Advancements in food packaging focus on eco-friendly materials, active packaging methods, and smart solutions, all geared towards bolstering sustainability and user convenience while reducing environmental footprint.

  • Track 4-1Food Safety
  • Track 4-2Food Preserving

Nutrition is the process by which organisms obtain and utilize nutrients for growth, development, and overall well-being. It encompasses the intake of food, digestion, absorption, metabolism, and excretion of nutrients.

Child nutrition specifically focuses on the dietary needs of infants, children, and adolescents. Proper nutrition during childhood is crucial for optimal growth and development, cognitive function, immune system support, and long-term health outcomes. 

Sports nutrition focuses on optimizing athletic performance and recovery through dietary strategies tailored to the needs of athletes. It involves the precise timing and composition of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) to fuel workouts, support muscle growth, and enhance recovery. Additionally, sports nutrition encompasses hydration strategies, electrolyte balance, and the use of supplements like creatine and branched-chain amino acids to maximize performance and minimize fatigue. Athletes often work with registered dieticians or sports nutritionists to develop personalized nutrition plans tailored to their specific goals and training demands.

  • Track 6-1Macronutrients
  • Track 6-2Dietary Strategies
  • Track 6-3Creatine

Plant-based proteins are derived from sources like legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, and certain vegetables, offering a diverse and sustainable alternative to animal proteins. These proteins are rich in essential nutrients, fiber, and phytonutrients, while typically lower in saturated fats and cholesterol compared to animal sources. Common examples include tofu, tempeh, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, and hemp seeds. Plant-based proteins are favored by individuals following vegetarian, vegan, or flexitarian diets, as well as those seeking healthier and environmentally friendly dietary options.

  • Track 7-1Animal Proteins
  • Track 7-2Vegetables
  • Track 7-3Saturated fats and Cholesterol

Pharma focuses on developing and producing pharmaceutical drugs for medical treatment, while nutraceuticals blend pharmaceutical and nutritional principles to provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Both industries play crucial roles in promoting human health and wellness through innovative research and product development.


Nutrition and fitness are interconnected components of a healthy lifestyle, working synergistically to optimize physical performance and overall well-being. Proper nutrition provides the fuel and nutrients necessary to support exercise, enhance muscle recovery, and promote endurance. Meanwhile, regular physical activity not only burns calories but also improves metabolism, mood, and cardiovascular health. Balancing nutrient intake with exercise goals is essential for achieving optimal fitness outcomes and sustaining long-term health and vitality.

  • Track 9-1Physical Activity
  • Track 9-2Balancing Nutrient

Food consumption refers to the act of ingesting food for nourishment and sustenance, encompassing the selection, preparation, and ingestion of food items. It is influenced by various factors, including cultural traditions, socioeconomic status, dietary preferences, and accessibility to food sources. Patterns of food consumption vary across regions and populations, with diets ranging from traditional and locally sourced to modern and globally influenced. Understanding food consumption patterns is essential for addressing nutrition-related challenges, promoting healthy eating habits, and ensuring food security on a global scale.

  • Track 10-1Dietary Preferences

Food preservation involves the application of techniques to extend the shelf life of food products while maintaining their quality and safety. Methods include refrigeration, freezing, canning, drying, and fermentation, which inhibit microbial growth and enzymatic activity. Quality standards in food ensure that products meet specified criteria for attributes such as taste, texture, appearance, and nutritional content. These standards are established by regulatory agencies and industry organizations to uphold consumer expectations and promote consistency and safety in the food supply chain.

  • Track 11-1Food Supply Chain
  • Track 11-2Fermentation
  • Track 11-3Food Products

Food microbiology involves the study of microorganisms in food and their impact on safety, spoilage, and fermentation processes. Microbes such as bacteria, yeast, and molds play crucial roles in food preservation and production, as well as in the development of desirable flavors and textures through fermentation. Fermentation is a natural process wherein microorganisms break down carbohydrates into organic acids, gases, or alcohol, altering the properties and improving the shelf life of food products like yogurt, cheese, and bread. Understanding food microbiology and fermentation is essential for ensuring food safety, quality, and flavor enhancement in various food processing industries.

  • Track 12-1Food Preservation
  • Track 12-2Carbohydrates

Innovative food additives and ingredients are substances incorporated into food products to enhance flavour, texture, appearance, and shelf life. These additives can include natural compounds, such as plant extracts or fermentation products, as well as synthetic substances approved for safe consumption. Examples range from emulsifiers and stabilizers to natural sweeteners and flavour enhancers. The development of innovative additives and ingredients aims to meet consumer demands for healthier, more sustainable, and convenient food options while ensuring safety and regulatory compliance.


Food chemistry and biochemistry explore the composition, structure, and reactions of food components at the molecular level. This interdisciplinary field delves into how nutrients, flavors, colors, and textures develop during food processing and cooking. Biochemical processes such as enzymatic reactions, fermentation, and Maillard browning contribute to the sensory properties and nutritional quality of foods. Understanding food chemistry and biochemistry is crucial for improving food safety, quality, and nutritional value in both industrial food production and culinary practices.

  • Track 14-1Food chemistry and biochemistry
  • Track 14-2Culinary Practices

Nutrition disorders encompass a range of conditions resulting from inadequate or imbalanced nutrient intake, absorption, or utilization. These disorders may manifest as undernutrition, such as malnutrition or deficiencies in essential nutrients, leading to stunted growth, weakened immunity, and impaired cognitive function. Conversely, overnutrition disorders, such as obesity and diet-related chronic diseases, arise from excessive calorie consumption or imbalanced diets. Addressing nutrition disorders requires tailored interventions, including dietary modification, supplementation, and medical management, to restore nutrient balance and promote overall health.

  • Track 15-1Medical Management
  • Track 15-2Diet-Related Chronic Diseases
  • Track 15-3Malnutrition

Food analysis involves the systematic examination of food products to assess their composition, quality, and safety. This multidisciplinary field utilizes various techniques, including chromatography, spectrometry, and molecular biology, to analyse components such as nutrients, contaminants, and flavour compounds. Foodomics, an emerging concept, integrates various omics disciplines (genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics) to comprehensively study the molecular profile of foods and their impact on human health. Together, food analysis and foodomics contribute to ensuring the safety, authenticity, and nutritional value of food products.

  • Track 16-1Foodomics
  • Track 16-2Quality and Safety

Nutrigenomics is a field of study that investigates how individual genetic variations influence responses to nutrients and dietary patterns. By analyzing interactions between genes and nutrients, nutrigenomics aims to personalize nutrition recommendations for optimal health outcomes. This emerging discipline explores how genetic factors affect metabolism, nutrient absorption, and susceptibility to diet-related diseases. Ultimately, nutrigenomics seeks to revolutionize nutrition and healthcare by tailoring dietary interventions to individuals' genetic makeup, potentially reducing the risk of chronic illnesses.

  • Track 17-1Dietary Interventions
  • Track 17-2Chronic Illnesses
  • Track 17-3Metabolism
  • Track 17-4Food Distribution

Food insecurity refers to the lack of consistent access to enough nutritious food for an active and healthy life. It is a complex issue influenced by factors such as income levels, economic stability, and social support systems. Individuals experiencing food insecurity may struggle to afford or access sufficient food, leading to compromised nutrition and an increased risk of hunger. Addressing food insecurity often involves implementing policies, programs, and community initiatives to ensure equitable food distribution and improve overall access to nutritious food for vulnerable populations.


Prebiotics, found in specific foods, are indigestible fibers and compounds that support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Serving as a nutritional source for probiotics, these microorganisms contribute to digestive health. Foods like garlic, onions, bananas, and whole grains are rich in prebiotics. By nurturing a balanced gut microbiota, prebiotics enhance digestion, facilitate nutrient absorption, and offer potential health advantages, including a reinforced immune system and diminished inflammation.

  • Track 19-1Diminished Inflammation
  • Track 19-2Immune System

Eating disorders are mental health conditions marked by detrimental attitudes toward food, body image, and weight. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder are common types. Symptoms may include restrictive eating, bingeing, purging, or compulsive exercise, resulting in both physical and emotional turmoil. Treating eating disorders necessitates a comprehensive approach encompassing medical, nutritional, and psychological interventions to address the complex underlying factors and promote recovery.

  • Track 20-1Anorexia Nervosa
  • Track 20-2Psychological Interventions