Angel Carbonell-Barrachina
Department of Agro-Food Technology
Miguel Hernandez University
Ãngel Carbonell-Barrachina got his Ph.D. on Chemistry in 1995, and currently, is Full-Professor of Food Sciences and Technology at the Miguel Hernandez University (UMH), where he leads the Group on Food Quality and Safety. Dr. Carbonell has worked worldwide (UK, USA, Poland, India, etc.) and has authored more than 175 research articles published in international journals within the areas of Food Sciences and Technology, Environmental Sciences and Agriculture. He has coordinated projects funded by the European Union, World Bank, Spanish Government, US Department of Agriculture, and private food companies. At this time his main research topics are food quality and food safety; among his main interests are: use of sensory evaluation in the food industry, industrialization of pomegranate, drying effects on fruits and vegetables, effects of manufacturing on the quality of foods, such as ice-creams, confections, chocolate, etc., and occurrence of chemical pollutants in foods, especially arsenic.
Research Interest
Food Science & Technology