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Vicenc Puig

Vicenc Puig

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain

Title: A methodology for the global process management of the production processes in the EnReMilk project


Biography: Vicenc Puig


In this presentation, a methodology for the global process management of the milk and yogurt production processes used as a case study in the European project EnReMilk will be described. At the beginning, three strategies were considered taking into account several aspects of the process management, namely: safety management, production optimization and system optimization. After analyzing the three strategies, the consortium of project agreed to focus on the development of the production optimization. The production optimization problem addresses the optimal batch scheduling of a real power milk/ yoghurt process by means of a constraint programming approach. First, the process and production rules are modeled using a set of constraints. Then, an objective function that includes the process optimization criteria is defined. After the definition of the constraints and objective function, an optimization problem that is formulated and solved using a constraint programming solver, namely the IBM ILOG Optimization Studio. A set of scenarios changing the consume ratio of evaporators, that consider an uninterrupted 15 full days in the underlying powdered milk and yogurt production facilities, are presented to illustrate the validity and performance of the proposed approach.