Thomas Kützemeier
Food-Lab International
Thomas, born 1958, holds a diploma in Agricultural and Dairy Science from the Technical University of Munich-Weihenstepan, DE 1982. After military service and his studies he served in the Cologne based Dairy Company (to-date: Campina) and became a Dairy expert. As of 1987-2007 he has worked for the German Dairy Association, Bonn) as the Secretary General of the German National Committee of the International Dairy Federation IDF. In 1992 he was nominated CEO. Over the years he has been in the lead of a number of international and national Expert Committees dealing with technical questions on process technology, food safety, hygiene and labeling. Furthermore, he has served on various committees of the UN-Codex Alimentarius Commission, a joint program of the Food and Agriculture Organization FAO and the World Health Organization WHO. Milestones were the development of the HACCP principles in the Codex Committee on Hygiene which nowadays form an integral part of the legislation in the EC and most other countries. In 2008 Tom started his own consultancy and became an independent advisor to provide technical comments on sustainable farming in Africa in preparation of the Rio+20 conference. He presented these comments during a hearing at the OECD headquarter, 5-7 September 2011, which were accepted and incorporated into the official meeting report. In 2011, he has established a new trade fair "InterLabTec" which presented state-of-the-art methods and devices for food analysis. The concept was so convincing to the Cologne-based Trade Fair (Koelnmesse) that it was implemented into the AnugaFoodTec, a major food processing and food safety trade fair in Cologne, due next time 21-24 March 2018. Since that time he is a contractor of the Koelnmesse for the acquisition of new exhibitors. Tom has also established the innovative technical/scientific journal “FOOD-Lab†for the German speaking food industry ( focusing on new food processing and analytical technologies. As of April 2014, the English electronic magazine eFOOD-Lab International ( is quarterly being distributed by the Koelnmesse to more than 45,000 visitors of the AnugaFoodTec in 130 countries. There, he serves a Editor-in-chief for both magazines.
Research Interest
food processing, food safety