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Francesc Puiggros

University Rovira i Virgili


Francesc Puiggròs, Biochemist and Chemist, is the Scientific Coordinator of the Technology Centre of Nutrition and Health (CTNS). He obtained his PhD at the University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain) in 2005, studying the effects and molecular mechanisms of polyphenolic compounds on the oxidative metabolism. He has developed management tasks in the University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain) rectors’ office during 3 years. His main task is counseling and advising food and beverages industry about scientific strategy for building a soundness dossier about health effects of their products or ingredients. He is also responsible for managing the scientific team that carries out CTNS own RDI activities and also the requested technological and scientific services by industry to assess the biological effect of their bioactive compounds, nutraceuticals and functional foods to get gold standards of scientific evidence. His research activity focuses on joining market trends to ensure successful functional food design with knowledge about biological efficacy assessment and biological mechanisms’ description. He works mainly on new nutritional markers of functional foods and new methodologies for evaluating the effect of bioactive ingredients on genetic material using functional genomics.


Abstract : New approach towards healthy foods innovation and the scientific view for health claims substantiation