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Zengqi Peng

Zengqi Peng

Nanjing Agricultural University, China

Title: Advanced Green Manufacture Technology For Processed Meats


Biography: Zengqi Peng


This report reviews the development of green chemistry and green manufacturing around the globe. The risks of hazardous chemicals like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs), heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs), trans fatty acids (TFAs), nitrites/ nitrates, formaldehyde, and PM2.5 produced by traditional meat cooking methods which are usually heated at high temperature such as grilling, frying, smoking and boiling to human body and environment are discussed. In view of modern science and technology as well as the sustainable development of food industry, the concept of meat green manufacturing technology is defined, meat green manufacturing technology is a modern manufacturing pattern that employs the concepts and principles of green chemistry and green engineering, turning high-quality raw meat into healthy meat products by green formula design, green processing, green packaging, green transport and green sell so as to minimize the risks of hazardous chemicals to human body and the environment, through which both economic benefits and social benefits can be obtained and coordinated. By use of the meat green manufacturing technology, a series of healthy meat products has been developed at temperatures below 120oC-130oC, which are characterized by attractive color, pleasant flavor and favorable texture. In addition to that, the final content of hazardous chemicals such as PHAs, HAAs, TFAs, formaldehyde and PM2.5 are remarkably reduced. Finally, the opportunity and challenges facing meat industry are summarized.