Pieter Debrauwer
TNO – EFAM, Netherlands
Title: Enthalpy – Reducing energy and water usage in dairy and spray drying due to innovative technologies
Biography: Pieter Debrauwer
The Enthalpy project is an European FP-7 project, which overall objective is to significantly reduce energy and water consumption in the European dairy industry, by 63% and 18% respectively. This will lead to increased competitiveness in the dairy sector. To achieve this, innovations are introduced and existing technologies are adapted. These investigated innovations are mono-disperse atomising, radio-frequency heating for the pasteurisation step, membrane distallation in the feed line, membrane contactor on the exhaust of the spray dryer, solar thermal energy for reheating the drying air and enzymatic cleaning of all processing units. Besides introducing these innovative units also a process systems engineering approach is implemented to optimese the processing plant as a whole instead of optimising individual units. These innovations are validated on labscale and will be demonstrated at a pilot plant to show the potential of upscaling these technologies to production units. Next to the sustainability aspects of these developments also the impact on the product quality is investigated, because at a minimum the same product quality needs to be obtained. While the project aims at the dairy industry the technologies have a wider applicability and can result in significant improvements in different sectors.