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Romaine Ramananarivo

Romaine Ramananarivo

University of Antananarivo

Title: Diagnosis of the dairy farms in Madagascar. Challenges, opportunities and perspectives


Biography: Romaine Ramananarivo


Following the socio-economic crisis and the closure of "Giant" in the market for dairy products, the Malagasy dairy industry faces disturbances since 2009. As a result, several actors are flooding the market: dairy firms managed by breeders, manufacturers and/or collectors, already in business for sometime or recently set up. Firms in the Region Analamanga, a region which enjoys the advantages of the industry’s services, also have lived this disruption. The latter could have positive and / or negative impact on these companies, the entire industry, and the overall economy. Therefore, a diagnosis of the internal and external environment within which the dairy firms in the Analamanga Region evolve has been performed. Thus, it has been demonstrated that these companies, dominated by farmers and artisanal processors, commonly have problems with funding and equipment. Some points still need to be considered and strengthened. In addition, many public and private institutions are active in the sector; Despite all of that, actors and stakeholders within the Analamanga Region are really motivated to develop the dairy industry at the level of the region, and all over the country.