Suzana Caetano da Silva Lannes
University of Sao Paulo
Title: New colloids as fat substitutes
Biography: Suzana Caetano da Silva Lannes
Natural polysaccharides have been widely investigated in recent years in relation to their physicochemical characteristics and applications. Some of its properties are biodegradability, abundance in nature and versatility of applications in engineering, biotechnology, medicine and food because they are generally nontoxic. Sterculia genus trees are known for its acidic polysaccharides with high solution viscosity and gelation characteristics. The Sterculia striata is a species native to most Brazilian regions and has been compared with other polysaccharides such as guar gum which has a multitude of applications in the food industry. The cashew gum is a hetero polysaccharide of exudate species Anacardium occidentale L., and has characteristics similar to those of Arabic gum, representing a potential substituent to various gums used in food industry. The majority of the gelatins produced by the industries are extracted from cattle hides, beef bones, and pork skin. However, by sociocultural issues and frequent occurrence of diseases such as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, there is a growing interest in developing alternative sources of raw materials with good physical properties. Considering that Brazil is one of the largest of poultry meat in the world as a result generating large amount of byproducts rich in collagen and also that the texture is one of the most important commercial criteria used to evaluate the quality of a gelatin. The rheological characterization of the developed products demonstrates the features of their behavior determining the relationship between the structure and interactions of the various ingredients in foods and the final rheological properties of the gel.