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Teresa Aymerich

Teresa Aymerich

Institute of Agriculture and Food Research and Technology


Teresa Aymerichis a PhD in Biological Sciences (Biotechnology). She is a Senior Research Scientist leading the Biotic Food Safety Subprogram at IRTA (Institute of Agriculture and Food Research and Technology). Her main research interests are the improvement of the safety and quality of food products, through alternatives preservation technologies and natural antimicrobials, together with the development of molecular techniques to quick detection and tracing of food-borne pathogens and starter/bioprotective cultures. She is the Author of more than 60 scientific publications, referee of relevant Journals in the field of Food Microbiology and Member of the Publication Board of the International Microbiology Journal. She has lead several Spanish projects and participated in several European projects.


Abstract : The potential of molecular techniques for the management of pathogens in the meat industry