Yoav D Livney
Technion Israel institute of Technology
Yoav D. Livney, Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Technion, Israel [B.Sc. (Suma cum Laude, 1990) in Food Engineering & Biotechnology,Technion;M.S. (1995) Food Engineering,UW Madison, Wisconsin, USA;PhD (2002) Food Engineering& Biotechnology Technion Israel;Post-Doc Food Science, UoG, Guelph, Ontario, Canada]; At Technion since 2004- Lecturer; 2007- Asst. Professor, 2012- Assoc. Prof.An expert in physical chemistry of biopolymers, andbioactivesdelivery. Received many Honors & Awards including the President of Israel’s honor roll, and the Goldberg Research Prize. Prof. Livney authored ~40publications, 8 patents, gave over 30 invited talks and many contributed presentations at international conferences, and mentored 12M.Sc. and 7 Ph.D. students.
Abstract : Clearly healthy: novel natural invisible carriers for nutraceuticals