Smail Meziani
Institut Européen des Antioxydants (IEA)
Title: New method for determination of antioxidant/oxidant activity of biological fluids and tissues
Biography: Smail Meziani
The notion of antioxidant is born at the end of the XIXth century. Numerous studies are going to be led and allow to acquire new knowledge in particular on the preservation of food, the protection against the early aging and against certain diseases. So we were able to bring out the various foods that contain antioxidants and to establish a classification. Various local, national and international actors manage their analysis, on manufacturing and marketing. We note that the natural antioxidants tend to be privileged over synthetic antioxidants because they are more effective and less toxic when we need to extract them. In addition, it is important to dose them to make a qualitative and quantitative analysis. There are many methods allow evaluating the antioxidant activities and the main ones are: ORAC, FRAP, DPPH. Techniques and processes seem to be standardized in order to homogenize and compare results. Being involved in many areas such as nutraceuticals, food and cosmetics, antioxidants can overcome somediseases. The organism is marked by many oxidation reactions, each leading consequence on this one. In this way, antioxidants intervene on these phenomena and thus constituting a set of mechanisms of action. Diseases resulting from oxidative stress are numerous. But studies show that it is difficult to understand the role and the importance of antioxidants in the treatment and prevention of these multifactorial diseases. The work describes a new method of determining antioxidant/oxidant activity (ÐОÐ/ОÐ) of biological solutions and tissues.