Smail Meziani
Institut Européen des Antioxydants (IEA)
Smail Meziani, obtained PhD degree in Biotechnology and Food Process (University of Lorraine-ENSAIA) and a Master in Agricultural and Food Engineering (University of Haute Alsace). He has taught at the Faculty of Medicine of Nancy, Lorraine University and served as head of the "Human Nutrition" Engineering licensed health option. Member of the International Society of Molecular Medicine (ISOM). His research concerns in particular the evaluation of antioxidant activity and influence processes (extraction, production, manufacturing...) on the properties Organic food matrices, cosmetics and nutraceuticals. These works have been published in international journals and several A rank papers at international conferences. Since 2013, he is the director and co-founder of the European Institute of Antioxidants (EIA). Professional experiences of Smail MEZIANI as R&D manager and as a scientific consultant subsequently allowed him to be confronted with industrial issues (formulation, production, innovation...) and to provide a solution with scientific knowledge. During his career, he has acquired a variety of knowledge, especially in the field of data that allows me to develop various applications (software), now operational in many companies (NutriSM®: nutritional characterization; DRHSM®: Human resource management ...). On the other hand, his professional experience also allowed him to build a national and international network of industrial and academic partners. The richness of his career allows him today to have a vision and technical Scientific relatively large, which led him to assert some versatility in different areas
Abstract : New method for determination of antioxidant/oxidant activity of biological fluids and tissues